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Powder Metallurgy Industry Roadmap Updated

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), with the aid of powder metallurgy (PM) industry leaders, has released an updated version of the PM Industry Roadmap. Due to significant technological advancements over the past five years, the 2017 PM Industry Roadmap has been updated to provide a detailed research agenda for the industry. This document addresses the vision for the PM industry, and includes a view of future customer and market expectations, as well as the goals designed to meet those expectations.

Metal Injection Molding Conference Call for Presentations

An official call for presentations has been announced for MIM2018: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides, March 5–7, 2018. This international conference and tabletop exhibition will take place in Irvine, California, at the Hotel Irvine. Authors have until September 29, 2017, to submit their presentation abstract. All abstracts accepted for presentation will require a PowerPoint submission prior to the conference.

Award-Winning Powder Metal Parts

The winners in the 2017 Powder Metallurgy (PM) Design Excellence Awards competition, sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), demonstrate outstanding examples of PM's diversity. These component fabricators use PM's flexibility to push forward new concepts and process controls and demonstrate the inexhaustible well of capabilities PM can marshal in the service of component design. Designers continue to choose PM for critical applications such as auto engines and transmissions, medical devices, consumer products, military applications, and more.

Eight Grand Prizes and ten Awards of Distinction have been given in this year's competition.

Formation of a Trade Association for the Metal AM Industry

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) is proud to announce its intention to form a trade association for the metal additive manufacturing (AM) industry. An organizational meeting will be held at the conclusion of the AMPM2017 conference on June 16 at the Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Manufacturers of metal AM products, precursor materials, and equipment manufacturers that support the metal AM industry are all welcome to attend. There is no fee to attend the organizational meeting.

Registration Opens for Powder Metallurgy Short Course

Registration has opened for the Basic Powder Metallurgy (PM) Short Course, the powder metallurgy industry's longest-running course, which will be held August 14–16, 2017, at Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College, Pennsylvania. The Basic PM Short Course is an essential educational tool if you or your company's employees are new to PM; need an update of recent industry developments; look to broaden or enhance background knowledge; seek to enhance advancement opportunities.