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Engineering Researchers Strive to Optimize Metal Additive Manufacturing

In pursuit of an improved, less expensive way to additively manufacture, or 3D print, complex metal components, Penn State researchers have received $546,806 from the National Science Foundation.

The project represents the latest step forward for the Department of Mechanical Engineering’s (ME) expertise in additive manufacturing, which supports innovative programs in both research and education.

NASA looks to Large-Scale DED Additive Manufacturing for Future Rocket Engines

NASA reports that it is seeking to incorporate large-scale metal Additive Manufacturing in the design and manufacture of its future rocket engines, through its Rapid Analysis and Manufacturing Propulsion Technology (RAMPT) project. By using a blown powder Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process, NASA hopes to bring reduce costs and lead times for producing large, complex engine components such as nozzles and combustion chambers.

U.S. Air Force Backs Development of Mobile 3D Printed Runway Mat

A professor of civil engineering at Purdue University is developing a new type of runway mat for temporary flight operations using metal additive manufacturing. The project, which is being conducted in collaboration with Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies (ITAMCO), recently received a grant worth $1 million from the U.S. Air Force.

Nominations for MPIF Distinguished Service Award

The Metal Powder Industries Federation is seeking nominations for the MPIF Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Award. This award recognizes those who devoted the major part of their working careers to one or more segments of PM, and whose long-term contributions and achievements deserve special recognition for outstanding and distinguished service. To receive consideration by the MPIF Awards Committee, candidates must have the following qualifications:

  • Have been active in one or more of the segments of the North American powder metallurgy industry
  • A total of at least 25 years of PM service, retirees are also eligible.
  • Be reasonably well known in the industry; that is, outside his or her own company, institution or region.