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APMI Annual Golf Outing - Save the Date

APMI International West Penn


Date:      Thursday, June 13th, 2024
Time:      Registration: 8:00–8:45 AM • Shotgun Start: 9:00 AM
                  Dinner Reception at Treasure Lake Lodge: ~3:00 PM
Place:     Dubois Country Club & Treasure Lake
                  DuBois, PA 15801

The registration form will be sent at a later date.


APMI Members Benefit – Talk ‘N Technology

Talk 'N Technology presentations are provided by student grant recipients at the annual PowderMet and AMPM conferences. To further advance the excellent research & development by the grant recipients and their universities, APMI will provide the students’ presentations and posters to its members as a benefit. 

This APMI “Members Only” benefit is located on the APMI site and is open only to APMI members. Login at www.apmiinternational.org and then enter the APMI Member Portal.

April 2024 Presentations and Posters:

Process/Structure/Properties Relations in LPBF Stainless Steel Lattice Materials Optimized for Energy Absorption
Mahsa Amiri, University of California, Irvine

Development of a Novel Multi-Laser Scan Strategy to Reduce Micro-Cracking in Additively Manufactured Tungsten
Emmaline Hutchison, Ohio State University

Mechanical Testing and Microstructural Characterization of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Angled Walls for Aerospace Application
Dana Godinez, University of Texas at El Paso

Application of Additive Manufacturing to Deliver Incremental Production of Conventional Powder Metal Components without Compaction Tooling
Hope Spuck, Penn State DuBois

Effect of Process Parameters on Texture Formation During Directed Energy Deposition of 316L Stainless Steel
Amirhesam Shakibizadeh, California State University, Los Angeles

Pittsburgh’s Neighborhood 91 and Metal Additive Manufacturing

Innovation, technological advancement, location, and workforce made Pittsburgh the "Steel City" in the late 1800s. Today, steel mills no longer smog the skies, but new advancements in metal fabrication are revitalizing this integral part of the city's identity. Neighborhood 91, a project on 10 acres of Pittsburgh International Airport's Innovation Campus, with room to occupy 185 more acres, has brought together six companies developing and producing metal 3D printed parts. The goal is to expand to 30 or 40 companies establishing this stretch of Pittsburgh as a global hub of 3D-printed metal components.

2024 WHO’s WHO in PM Membership Directory

The online version of the 2024 WHO’s WHO in PM Membership Directory is now available on the APMI website in the Members Only Area.  APMI Members will receive their print copies shortly.

APMI West Penn Chapter News

From left to right: Sean Rupprecht, APMI West Penn Treasurer; Seth Weible, APMI West Penn Secretary; John Brennan, Penn State Director of Continuing Education; Brent Matheson, APMI West Penn Vice Chairman; Steve Reed, APMI West Penn Chairman

