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2020 PM Design Excellence Awards—Consumer Goods

In an ever-changing landscape, powder metallurgy (PM) components continue to excel across market segments. You will find PM used in the lawn and garden; off-highway; hand tools and recreation; industrial motors, controls, and hydraulics; hardware; and appliances market segments. PM is an efficient and reliable part of everyday life.

MPIF Announces 2020 Design Excellence Award Winners

Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) is pleased to announce the MPIF 2020 Powder Metallurgy Design Excellence award winners! All winners will be announced in a series of 3 videos over the next couple of weeks.

First up—the PM Design Excellence Award winners in the automotive market segment.

Webinar Series Continues


Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and APMI International’s newly launched on-going webinar series for members continues to offer a way for the PM industry to stay connected during these unprecedented times. 
