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MIM2018 Call for Presentations

An official call for presentations has been announced for MIM2018: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides, March 5–7, 2018. This international conference and tabletop exhibition will take place in Irvine, California, at the Hotel Irvine. Desired topics include manufacturing innovations such as part design, tooling, and molding, and materials advancements in metals and alloys, ceramics, and hardmaterials. Authors have until September 29, 2017, to submit their presentation abstract.

Innovation is responsible for the rapid growth of the powder injection molding industry (metal injection molding, ceramic injection molding, and cemented carbide injection molding), a nearly $2 billion advanced manufacturing industry. This conference will provide a venue for the latest technology transfer.

Co-sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and Metal Injection Molding Association (MIMA), MIM conferences have been showing an increase in attendance over the past several years, with last year's conference one of the largest to date with more than 150 delegates representing nearly 100 companies from 14 countries. The attendance breakdown from MIM2017 consisted of 24% equipment & service providers, 21% powder & feedstock suppliers, 20% end users/consumers, 23% parts manufacturers, and 13% other—students, professors, etc.

Visit MIM2018.org for submission details.

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