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PM Compacting/Tooling Seminar Registration Opens

The biennial Powder Metallurgy (PM) Parts Compacting/Tooling Seminar returns this year with PM industry leaders teaching on the latest advancements, as well as sharing their broad industry knowledge. The course will be held September 26–27, 2017, at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College, Pennsylvania.

Over the course of this two-day seminar, attendees will learn:

  • the basics of PM compacting and tooling, as well as new and advanced technology;
  • the latest developments in tool design, tool coating, and unique press applications;
  • from the experts on the impact of tool design and press selection on product quality.

Review the seminar schedule and register today!

This seminar is sponsored in cooperation with the Powder Metallurgy Equipment Association, a trade association of the Metal Powder Industries Federation.

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